The ground between my house and my garden is finally bare of snow. So I walked that way, bringing the full compost container along with me. Things are messy in the garden. I walked back along the garlic bed…and saw green spikes.

First garlic EVER

I have never grown garlic before (except inadvertently, in the tub under the cookbooks with the onions). But it’s alive! I planted two varieties, Georgian Crystal and Lorz Italian, and I, um, think I planted them in alphabetical order, so the Georgian Crystal would be the bright green ones on the left. One’s hardneck and one’s softneck, so I’ll know for sure later in the season. I didn’t even see the much muddier-colored ones at first. I’m charmed that they’re so different, so early.

When I went inside, I found more green sprouts awaiting me: nine types of tomatoes, and–finally–three out of four Buran peppers! The tomatoes that sprouted were Roma, Cosmonaut Volkov, Tiger-Like, Italian Market Wonder, Zapotec, Black from Tula, Costoluto Genovese, and Persimmon. I expect more tomorrow. I also expect to have to bring some tiny scissors to the window and weed out some feverfew so that the rest can live. That’s fine. We went out to get pea stakes and twine today, and if I can’t use them this weekend for the snow showers we’re threatened with Friday, that’s fine too. I have life.