Thanks to Ottawa Hortiphilia for nominating me for Bloggers for Positive World Change! It’s a meme started by Climate of Our Future to recognize bloggers who are attempting to help create a more sustainable and enlightened future.

Here are my nominees:

Jen at Disorganization writes, gardens, bakes, makes her own wine, and buys a lot of things used (and has an astonishing collection of tea kettles).

Making Light is a blog by two eminent editors (and occasional minions) on writing, knitting, politics, language, and whatever catches their fancy.

Sew Green is a blog by a collection of women on the subjects of living green and doing crafts, generally simultaneously.

Jade at Brainripples discusses art and creativity, two things I think we need more of in the future.

Get Rich Slowly is the site of a man who was once in terrible debt, got out of it, and now writes about finance, frugality, and enjoying the simpler things in life. (Though not to the exclusion of other things…he really likes cars.)

I feel like I’ve been a bit overweening by picking some of these people. Also it may stray somewhat from what the meme originators intended…but I do think that all these people are helping, in their way, to forge a better future.

Nominees may participate by following these rules:
1. When you get tagged, write a post with links to up to 5 blogs that you think are trying to change the world in a positive way.
2. In your post, make sure you link back to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.
3. Leave a comment or message for the bloggers you’re tagging, so they know they’re now part of the meme.
4. Optional: Proudly display the “Bloggers For Positive Global Change” award badge with a link to the post that you write up.
